Old News

Join me on my journey for the next 2 years, learning and experiencing new things all through the lens of my camera.

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Location: Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Welcome to my life. I hope I can find the courage to share my secrets with you. Second year Animation student at Seneca College.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Training Wheels

So I've decided to get a blogger account.
Not sure why? Perhaps to be able to read and comment on the blogs of my aunt, and cousins?
Also thought it would be nice to have a place to showcase my art, as I go.

Well here I am. At 1 in the morning, on my March break, sitting at the computer and writing a blog.
And you know what?
I wouldnt want to be doing anything else right now.
As much as I loath those who are far away on some tropical island, having the times of their lives..I've become acustomed to relaxing at home.
Being able to turn everything off right when I want to, is the best feeling in the world right now. And I wouldnt give it up for anything.

Anyways, I thought it might be fun to post the latest bit of art I've done.
Recently I decided it would be fun to paint a skateboard deck.
And so I did exactly that.

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It's not exactly finnished yet, but pretty darn close.
Im very happy with the outcome of it, as well.
Im happy that I've started exploring more and more into art. Which makes me want my acceptance letter more and more, also.
I really do hope I get accepted. It's the one thing I've been looking forward to these past few months.

A girl can dream, cant she?
And on that note..I'll leave you with another drawing, and a farewell.

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